Thursday 25 February 2010

Sexy Orange

The sun. A glorious ball of vibrant orange. Warms the cockles of our hearts. Take a moment to enjoy. Orange is sexy.

Ah its such a mood lifting sight. Everyone seams to smile more with the suns out. But today it isn't out. It's hidden behind prolific rain clouds and the predominate colours are black and grey. Grey skies, black and grey fashions and a lot of black umbrellas. 
Short of starting a craze for big orange umbrellas ... now there's a thought ... 

Don't you love the internet?! There's always someone with a similar thought. Different voices, same thoughts ... Well until everyone decides they do want to carry round an orange umbrella we can benefit from seeking out some orange to concentrate on.

Designers' colour theory mood wheels and chakra charts both illustrate similar strengths for each colour.

So why is orange sexy? Well it feeds the sexual organs area for a start, but it's more than that. Sexy = vibrancy, energy, joy de vivre, mojo, creativity and vitality. A sexy creative is an unblocked creative. 

Feed on orange and the rest follows. We would all benefit from more orange. Smell it, eat it, breathe it but most of all be aware of it and absorb it.

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